Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The King has Returned...Sort of

I love the smell of Napalm in the morning. Being insane means I'm unexpected. It's not as though it matters anyway. I hope things can go back to when I annoyed the crap out of everyone with my constant postings, but hoping is for uncertain people...even though I'm not sure of posting a lot. I AM, on the other hand, sure you'll enjoy this picture in the meantime.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

God Weekends are Boring

I hate how everyone patronizes the days Friday...

and Sunday...

 I don't understand how people think it's a good thing to be in a vegetative state. Hell, I don't need it to be the weekend for that. I guess it's good to be with friend or be off work, but I have few friends, and when I'm at school, I'm with those friends.
 Usually, I spend my weekends listening to music, watching movies, directing mine, drawing, or shopping with my parents. That may sound like an at least somewhat eventful way to wait time but I do that on weekdays too. The same goes for sleeping. Yes, my favorite sport/activity/hobby/holiday?/event...thing. I go to sleep around 3/4am everyday. During the 'work' week I wake-up at 7:30 (which I heard is later than most people, but I'm not sure), and take a nap around 4:30. I'm woken-up for dinner at 8pm and I return to bed at the usual time. On the weekend, I don't nap, but just wake-up at 11am.
 Back to the lack of things to do, I always see people saying how great their Saturday was or what fantastic thing they did. IT JUST FANS MY FIRE!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I'm International!

 Recently, Spyro told me that she had a viewer from France. Out of curiosity, I decided to check if I had a foreigner who read my crap. It turns out that I have both German, and Danish readers.
 To the German: Grüße Deutschen.
 To the Danish: hilsner danskerne.
 Well that's neat, still waiting for someone from Cambodia though. Hold on... I wonder what the Germans think of Würste; awe well, hope they don't mind too much. Sorry for the lack of postings, I guess I lost motivation to really type anything up that often. I'm a tad-bit bored SO why not have a song to express my boredom...take it away Cat!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What I Think of the Current Situation

If it seems unacceptable, you're probably expressing it to the wrong audience

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I've Returned from Hell...

...Actually, that was a week ago. I couldn't find my camera for recording, so I was forced to use a camera my cousin owns. The thing is, it's in Cali. School is starting much earlier than I thought. Only one weekend left. Würste may take even more time to film. At least the trip was nice.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Countdown Commencing

Time Left:

In the meanwhile, here's Rocket by Def Leppard to hold your attention

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy Kubrickian Day

  On July 26th 1928, director Stanley Kubrick was born in New York. Today is his 83rd birthday (in case you were too lazy to do the math). Today he is revered as one of the greatest directors in film history even though he only directed 16 movies in his entire career. These are the 13 feature-length films of his:

  • Fear and Desire(1953)-The story of four soldiers in a fictitious war that survive a crash landing in enemy territory, and wish to get back behind friendly lines. Their plans being sidetracked by a woman that spots them hiding in the nearby forest. This movie has no trailer so I'll instead show the film in it's entirety.

  • Killer's Kiss(1955)-A Noir-film about some prize-fighter named Davy that intervenes when a woman's employer/lover Vincent attacks her. Davy and the woman who's name is Gloria get into a relationship, which displeases Vincent, who sends men to capture Gloria. This of course making Davy rescue her. Sorry about the trailer, it's kinda cliche and very cheesy.

  • The Killing(1956)-A heist movie about a complex scheme to rob a horse track of two million dollars (it was worth a lot more back then), but things get a little...complicated. The trailer mentions the movie Scarface, that would be another movie from 1932; not the one starring Al Pacino

  • Paths of Glory(1957)-An antiwar film during WW1 about Col. Dax (played by Kirk Douglas) who gets in trouble, because he has only 2/3 of his men leave the trenches against a futile attack of German troops. The Colonel is arrested and his fame-seeking superior, Gen. Broulard has the third killed for mutiny. The trailer really likes saying how good it is and stating the obvious; it shows the title three times in case you mite have forgotten.

  • Spartacus(1960)-Kirk Douglas plays a slave turned gladiator who leads a revolt to Southern Italy where they will attempt to leave to their places of origin. Meanwhile, republican Gracchus and militarist Crassus try to use the rebellion to their own political advantage. The trailer just pretty much states the film's name and count-off the cast members; it kinda sucks.

  • Lolita(1962)-Prof. Humbert Humbert (great name by the way) marries a widowed landlady in order to get close to her 14-year-old daughter, who he is infatuated by. This was Kubrick's first film after he left Hollywood, and the trailer shows it; it's just weird.

  • Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb(1964)-A political satire on America and the USSR's "fail-safe" plans against each other during the Cold War. The movie centers around paranoid general Jack D. Ripper (get it) who tries to start a nuclear war with Russia, as the President and his cabinet frantically try to stop the attack. The trailer is sorta what the Lolita trailer tried to be, only more goofy.

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey(1968)-Dr. Dave Bowman is sent to investigate a strange black prism on the surface of the moon. The prism or "Monolith" as it's called emits a signal, leading the Doctor on an expedition to one of the moons of Jupiter. Unfortunately, his ship isn't as eager to go on the trip as him. This trailer is just fine until the very end; it just seems out of place.

  • A Clockwork Orange(1971)-The story of Alex (played by Malcolm McDowell) a delinquent who commonly BEATS old people and RAPES women (our hero, ladies and gentlemen). When he is finally caught by the police, he undergoes a treatment to "cure" him of his violent ways. As one may expect, this plan doesn't quite go as planned. Not much to say about the trailer admittedly.
  • Barry Lyndon(1975)-An epic (3 hours long) tale of Redmond Barry, an Irishman that joins the British army, only to end up in the Prussian army. He becomes his captain's protege for saving him. Barry also becomes associated with the gambler Chevalier de Balibari until he decides to marry Honoria Lyndon. Remember when I talked about how the Spartacus trailer kept praising itself, well this trailer is NOTHING BUT SELF INDULGENCE!

  • The Shining(1980)-A family is asked to be the care-takers of an isolated hotel during the winter months. The father uses the time to write his book, while the son has psychic powers that allow him to see events of the past and future. Overtime, the father's boredom turns into stress and perhaps something more. The trailer is just...bizarre.

  • Full Metal Jacket(1987)-A war movie showing the dehumanizing effects of boot-camp and how excited America was about winning the Vietnam War even-though it was a complete disaster. The movie isn't a war-hero-flick, it's of the war. Aside from that, the trailer is just mediocre.

  • Eyes Wide Shut(1999)-Dr.Bill Harford becomes sexually obsessive after his wife admits to almost cheating with someone else. Bill learns of a secret-sex-cult, and decides to attend. He finds that he's in over his head, and that his family is threatened.

Six days after the premiere of Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick died at age 70.