Thursday, July 7, 2011

Let Me Explain...

  You may be asking about the last post:

  1. WTF is "Wurste"?
  2. Is it just me, or does that picture look eerily  like a Nazi flag?
  3. Why am I stuck to only these questions?
  I hope I can answer these without being too abstract. Going in order:

  1. "Wurste" is the name of a movie that I've been working on. I almost have the first major draft completed. We'll begin filming when my friend returns from Cuba.
  2. It's supposed to look that way. The movie mainly follows two German soldiers before through just after WW2. The W is actually based on a false flag used for a team that was competing in the Net Fest of 2003. I chose it, because it was the only "axis-ish" flag I could find that looked like a W.
  3. That's an easy one; the person typing this post is very bias over what he believes others think.


  1. Spyro could have put this on any of your posts but she chose this one! AWWWWWWWE thats so sweet, spyro feels loved! she cant believe that Bowler checks her blog EVERYDAY!!!!!!! it's a nice feeling that someones reading besides knite tales, she never comments! feel free to say anything!!! unless it's mean or will make Spyro mad, then keep it to yourself! did you read Spyro's new motto? better than theold one, evrn though she really liked that one! Spyro reads you blog too but sometimes/ most of the time, she cant comment, because it automatically signs her out for some reason! think Spyro Spell Auto... wrong! Whatever... LATER!

  2. how come Bowler only responds when Spyro says something about him, why cant he say anything on any of her other post!!!!!!! random babble, sorry!

  3. No Spyro will not change her name, but it does have a nice ring to it! There's another Freak called Aurox Trever Night Freak anf Blackjack Midnight Freak but dont you think that SpyroStonerNightBreezeFreak is a little much?
