Sunday, July 3, 2011

Internet Exile

 Six days ago, I noticed something I considered peculiar. I saw that my mouse was missing, so I checked under my desk. The plug wasn't even there. Confused, I asked mom who explained that I was in my room on the computer too long. Furious, I demanded the mouse in a passive-aggressive way. She said something along the lines of "It's for my own good." First getting up early and now THIS; I could only bitch and moan (which I didn't). On the up side, I could still watch TV (although I don't) and be on the family computer (if someone else wasn't).
The Good:I was quite productive in actual work. I almost finished the script for the WWII spoof and named it "Würste"(German sausage on a stick). Saw an absolute shit-ton of movies this week (about 30) not including the Star Wars movies that always seem to be on Spike TV. *NERD ALERT* I also got pretty far in Donkey Kong Country (no small task) which is one of the only long games I haven't beaten yet.
 The Bad:Because of my lack of friends, I only went out if my mom was going to the store. I must have been to five shops looking for fucking half-and-half. We bought a lot of movies too, if we weren't at home watching them. I hope everyone else's week was fine, 'cause mine wasn't without the computer. Speaking of which, 70% of what I wanted to do in the last post was basically aborted.

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