Monday, June 6, 2011

Am I Hated?

  If someone were to ask most people at my school what their thoughts on me are, one wouldn't find too many good things about me in their words. Not a lot of people enjoy my company, and I can't figure out why. Is it my attitude; am I being too harsh in my words. To be honest, I don't talk to many people outside of my friends, and most of it is muffled idiocy. Perhaps my look; it isn't common for most of the boys at my school to have long hair. On occasions, I wear red tinted glasses I got at the dollar store for fun. I guess people think I'm some hipster, or that I'm doing it for a statement.
  Ah well. The reason I'm making this post is because I overheard some people (who's names will not be said for confidentiality reasons) who were saying they hate me. The way I see things; I'm not hated, but rather disliked. My friends are part of different "rankings." One is hated, one is pretty much hated, I'm disliked, and my last friend actually is somewhat liked.
  If you hate me, can you say why in the comments... It's the least you could do for ruining 'All Shades Day.'

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